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Studying Together Mark Finley Pdf Download

Bible Study Resources

Revived by God's Word

Revived by God's Word

Wanting some practical keys to help you learn how to study God's Word? This small resource is packed with tools to help you learn how to go deeper in your studies, as well as how to pray God's Word, memorize God's Word, and share God's Word with others. This booklet has already printed over 100,000 copies and is a must-have for those wanting to learn to be good Bible students. (Available in 6 languages!)


What are the Tests of a True Prophet?

What are the Tests of a True Prophet?

There are lots of people having dreams and claiming to be prophets these days, but how do we know if they are truly God inspired? In this short video, Doug Batchelor outlines from the Bible the tests of a true prophet. Don't miss this eye-opening episode.


Seven Incredible Facts about the Bible that will change Your Life!

Seven Incredible Facts about the Bible that will change Your Life!

The Bible has been the most controversial book in human history. It has been burned, banned, belittled, and attacked, but it still stands! Some claim that it is not rational or intelligent to believe the Bible. This video, produced by Hope Through Prophecy, addresses those claims. In fact, the seven Bible facts shared in this video not only help us learn the truth about the reliability of the Bible, but we will see why the Bible can be trusted, and how if followed, it will change our life!


Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation

Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation

For those desiring to learn the proper hermeneutics of Bible Study, or for those looking for a deeper experience in God's Word, we are happy to share this "Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation" PDF download. This practical, informative, and educational document comes to us from the Bible Research Institute of the General Conference and was voted into existence at the GC Session in Rio de Janeiro. We pray it is a blessing.


Feasting on the Word, Persisting in Prayer, & Power for Witnessing!

Feasting on the Word, Persisting in Prayer, & Power for Witnessing!

In this inspirational video series from Michigan Camp meeting, Doug Batchelor talks about his three favorite topics: feasting on the word, persisting in prayer, and the power for witnessing. This is a series you don't want to miss as we prepare our hearts for the coming Latter Rain.


BRI New Releases

BRI New Releases

For those that would like deeper theological study, the Biblical Research Institute has a number of new resources. Some of the topics include: Interpreting the Beast of Revelation 17, Israelite Festivals and the Christian Church, The Nature of Christ, Time Prophecies of Daniel 2, The Emerging Church and Adventist Ecclesiology, God in Three Persons in the Old Testament and New Testament, Substitutionary Atonement and more.

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Revelation for Kids with Gabrielle

Revelation for Kids with Gabrielle

Looking for trustworthy Adventist tools to teach your children about Revelation. Follow Gabrielle on her journey. Learn a little more from the Bible every day through videos, games, and singing. Look, listen and join in! And share with your young friends.


How to Use Your Bible - For Children

How to Use Your Bible - For Children

If you are looking for a simple set of Bible studies to help your children fall in love with God and His Word, and to discover Jesus as their very best friend, here's a great resource to start with. With this first guide, you can teach them how to use their Bible, then get them started in one of the three Bible study series below.

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The Godhead Studies

The Godhead Studies

The "Godhead Studies" by Dan Augsburger of Path2prayer Ministries is a series of four Bible studies that provide compelling evidence for the biblical teaching on the Godhead. Central to faith in Christ and salvation, these studies will give you confidence in the Godhead that you may never have had before. Don't miss this powerful collection of studies at:

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How to Study the Bible - with Adam Ramdin

How to Study the Bible - with Adam Ramdin

If you aren't sure how to begin with Bible Study, you will be blessed and encouraged with this 2 part series on how to study the Bible with Adam Ramdin. Adam is pastor of the Yardley SDA church and Director of the PEACE Center of Evangelism in the North England Conference of SDA in the UK. His passion is to see the gospel spread throughout the British Isles and Europe as people are trained and equipped to finish the work.


As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God

As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God

When you open your Bible, where do you start? Perhaps you've asked these questions: Where do I start in my Bible? Is there any difference between reading and studying (or "basking in") the Bible? How can I get to know the Person behind the words on the pages of my Bible? No matter your age or life circumstance, you will find encouragement, advice, and practical strategies in this new book by our friend Nina Atcheson. In it, you will discover how basking in the power of God's Word will make you want to linger with God—because time with Him is so sweet.

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How to Study the Bible - with Eugene Prewitt (Six Part Series)

How to Study the Bible - with Eugene Prewitt (Six Part Series)

If you are longing for a deeper experience in God's Word, this "How to study the Bible" series is for you. In this six part series, Eugene Prewitt walks us through the process of Bible study, as he shares solid principles and Bible hermeneutics that will last a lifetime.


10 Incredible Bible Promises every Christian Should Know

10 Incredible Bible Promises every Christian Should Know

The Bible is full of wonderful promises. Promises of salvation for all, the return of Jesus, victory over sin, God's providence, and more. You can count on God's promises. His word is sure. Watch this video with Greg Sereda to learn more. Visit his popular Youtube channel for more witnessing videos!


Church 101: How to Read the Bible and have your Devotions

Church 101: How to Read the Bible and have your Devotions

In this Church 101 video message, David Asscherick talks about how to find greater insight in reading your Bible and having your daily devotions. We pray that this message will be a blessing and inspire you in your personal Bible study.


Reset in the Word

Reset in the Word

If you recognize your need of a deeper understanding and love for God's Word, we know you will appreciate this new 3-part video series by Doug Batchelor. His three topics are: Finding the Word of God, Feasting on the Word of God, Following the Word of God.


How to Study the Bible - 8 Practical Steps!

How to Study the Bible - 8 Practical Steps!

In this short but inspirational video, Hope Through Prophecy president and speaker, Dustin Pestlin, shares practical tips to help bring your Bible study to life. We pray you are blessed by this encouraging resource as you learn how to go deeper in God's Word.


Introduction to 2nd Quarter's Sabbath School Lesson

Introduction to 2nd Quarter's Sabbath School Lesson

In this inspiring and informative video Pastor Chad Stuart sits down with Dr. Frank Hasel, one of the authors for the 2nd Quarter 2020 Sabbath School lesson. Dr. Hasel shares background insights on how people are chosen to write the Sabbath School quarterly and some interesting behind the scenes glimpses of the process. He also shares some of his personal testimony along the journey. As 2nd Quarter's lesson study, "How to Interpret Scripture" is now underway, we thought you would enjoy this introduction as you go deeper into the Word of God. For ongoing inspiration each Sabbath with lesson study co-authors Dr. Frank Hasel and Dr. Michael Hasel, tune in to It Is Written TV.


How to Really Study the Bible - 7 Helpful Tools

How to Really Study the Bible - 7 Helpful Tools

Want to study the Bible in a deeper way and make fascinating discoveries along the way? In this video Chris shares 7 tools that can help you dig deeper and discover what an amazing masterpiece the Bible really is. This is part 3 in a 3 part series.


Five Important Steps to Bible Study

Five Important Steps to Bible Study

If you want to study the Bible in a deeper way and discover how beautiful and fascinating the Bible really is, preparation is key. In this video Chris shares five important steps you should take before you begin to work with the text. This is part 2 in 3 part series.


How to Study the Bible - with Anthony Baca (Three Part Series)

Three Essential Attitudes in Bible Study

Three Essential Attitudes in Bible Study

The Bible is not just the most important, but also the most beautiful and fascinating book ever written! Don't believe it? Haven't experienced it? But you'd like to? Check out this first video in a fascinating series of lessons, and discover three essential attitudes that will help you study the Bible in a deeper way. You can experience the amazing beauty and depth of this masterpiece!


How to Start Studying the Bible with Someone

How to Start Studying the Bible with Someone

As the year progresses, opportunities come and go for us to reach out to those around us. Is God calling you to take these opportunities, and your faith, a step further? Maybe you have considered inviting them to study the Bible, but are unsure as to how to begin that process. Mark Howard, director of Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism, breaks down the basics in this short video.


How to Study the Bible and Empower Your Devotional Life

How to Study the Bible and Empower Your Devotional Life

Do you want to empower your Bible studies and your devotional life? Learn how you can make your Bible Study and prayer life exciting and meaningful in this inspiring presentation by Christian Hjortland! (Both part 1 and 2 are included of the audio message.)


Bible Quiz - What is our Mission?

Bible Quiz - What is our Mission?

Have you ever wondered what our mission is as Seventh-day Adventist and how you would share that mission with others? This simple Bible quiz created by evangelist David Steward was given to a group of high-school students. Not one of the 120 students who received the quiz realized that the questions had anything to do with one of the most significant teachings of our church. Would you know the answers?


Study Bible Characters

Study Bible Characters

Have you ever wanted to learn how to study Bible characters? Moses. Noah. Ruth. Hezekiah. These biblical characters can seem larger than life. Their stories are so grand, their significance so great, it's easy to forget they were real people—with real struggles—that God chose to use in spite of their weaknesses. That's one reason character studies are so powerful. We pray the following tips are helpful for you as you go deeper in studying the Bible characters we find in God's Word!

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Learn to Effectively Memorize Scripture

Learn to Effectively Memorize Scripture

How can we hide God's word in our hearts more effectively amidst the circumstances that will arise this year? Fadia Kruezer shares a powerful principle that will assist us in doing so. By directing specific scriptural promises at our difficulties, the Bible will daily become more applicable and powerful to us.


Fundamentals Review

Fundamentals Review

"Study to show yourself approved unto God!" the Bible tells us. Do you understand what you believe and why? Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. We pray you are blessed by this review. To make it more meaningful, we encourage you to use your Bible to look up all the references.


Are there Mistakes in the Bible?

Are there Mistakes in the Bible?

In this insightful article Dr. Frank Hasel talks about the historical reliability of Scripture, as well as how to deal with difficult texts, and how we can ultimately trust God's Word despite the discrepancies and imperfections in Scripture that come as the result of human frailties. God's Word is tried and true, and we can depend upon it. This article comes to us from the Perspective Digest, a publication of the Adventist Theological Society.

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How to Give Personal Bible Studies

How to Give Personal Bible Studies

In this handbook, produced by the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department, Calvin Smith outlines five types of Bible studies, how to find Bible study contacts, how to give a Bible study, what to do when you arrive at the study, gaining decisions for Christ, and much more. We pray this resources is a blessing!

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Why the Bible is Historically Reliable!

Why the Bible is Historically Reliable!

Is the Bible historically reliable? If so, how do we know! In this inspiring and well researched out article, Gerhard Pfandl shares how Archaeology continues to contribute ever widening respect for the biblical presentation of history. This article will give you lots to think about.

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How to Study the Bible: Training by Alistair Huong

How to Study the Bible: Training by Alistair Huong

In this downloadable handout, Alistair Huong uses some of William Miller's "Rules of Interpretation" to teach us how to study God's Word. We pray that you are blessed by these handouts as you seek to dig deeper in God's Word.


How to Study the Bible with Pastor Wes

How to Study the Bible with Pastor Wes

Want to go deeper in the Word? Need help being mentored by others? Sometimes it's helpful to hear the ways other people study the Bibles and that's exactly why we are sharing Pastor Wes Peppers, "How to Study the Bible" (part 1 and 2 messages) here. We pray that these are a blessing!


RQRA: Why Does God Allow Suffering?

RQRA: Why Does God Allow Suffering?

In this 3ABN episode of "Raw Questions, Relevant Answers," Dee Casper, Mark Paden, and Michelle Doucoumes tackle the tough questions relating to suffering and pain! Why does God allow suffering if He's able to stop it? Straight from the Bible to you, we pray this short discussion is a blessing.


The Bible, Christ and the Culture

The Bible, Christ and the Culture

The Bible is the living Word of God. It was not spoken for some distant culture or merely for some distant group of Israelites coming out of bondage from Egypt. It was not meant only for future generations. It is the living Word of God for today, and it is authoritative for every generation. In this inspiring audio message, Dr. Michael Hasel shares how the Bible and the Bible only was Christ's method of defense against the most vicious attacks from the adversary. What it was for Him, it is to be for us today!


Introducing Raw Questions, Relevant Answers

Introducing Raw Questions, Relevant Answers

Join Shelley Quinn as she introduces this exciting new program. Designed specifically for young people ages 15 to 30, Raw Questions, Relevant Answers (RQRA) is hosted by Dee Casper, Mark Paden, and Michelle Doucoumes. They look at the raw questions on real life issues regarding how we view God, ourselves, and our walk with Him.


Scripture and the Great Controversy

Scripture and the Great Controversy

The great controversy theme not only explains why humankind is lost and in need of a Savior, it also provides a coherent explanation for all other events in history. It is the paradigm that helps Seventh-day Adventists to understand the message and mission of their church. We pray that you are blessed by this short article from Perspective Digest.

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Let's Study Revelation

Let's Study Revelation

Join Dr. Félix H. Cortez and Ranko Stefanovic as they explore the Revelations of John. The book is called Revelation because it reveals Jesus and also because it reveals the future. Also known as the Apocalypse, the book contains images and symbols that are difficult to understand. What is the ultimate purpose and message of Revelation? What is the key that will help us unlock its treasures? How is Revelation relevant for our daily lives? Explore these and other questions in this free course.

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The Literal, Simple Use of Scripture

The Literal, Simple Use of Scripture

How should one read the Scriptures? How do we read the commands given in the Old Testament about how to treat slaves, how to perform sacrifices, or how to interpret the Song of Solomon? In this short article, Dr. Felix Cortez shares how the literal simple use of Scripture should be our mainstay when approaching God's Word.

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Youth Morning Watch Bible Reading

Youth Morning Watch Bible Reading

Regular Bible study and prayer is the best way to begin having a real, growing, authentic relationship with God. This Morning Watch Calendar for Youth follows the Believe His Prophets Daily Bible Reading Guide for 2017. Each chapter has a study verse to be memorized as the Youth Morning Watch verse of the day. Remember and pray His Word in your life every day. "I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You." (Psalm 119:11, NIV)

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The Interpretation of Scripture

The Interpretation of Scripture

The Bible tells us, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15). In this article authored by Gerhard Pfandl originally in the "Perspective Digest" (a publication of the Adventist Theological Society), we gain some deeper insight into what it might mean to rightly divide the Word of God, using a method of interpretation that is in harmony with the Word itself.

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Getting Thru the Dark Days - Bible Study (With Mark Finley)

Getting Thru the Dark Days - Bible Study (With Mark Finley)

We all have dark days from time to time, days we wish we could just stay in bed. Like a dark cloud, discouragement hovers over us. In this lesson, Mark Finley outlines life-changing principles to help you get through the tough times. These biblical principles will make a positive difference in your life. We pray this lesson is a blessing!


Promises from 10 Days of Prayer

Promises from 10 Days of Prayer

Every promise in the Bible is like a love letter from God. "I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake. I will give you peace. I will deliver you." There are thousands of these such promises hidden all through the Scriptures. This short printable handout is a compilation of a few promises from the 10 Days of Prayer. We pray that these promises speak to your heart in a special way today.

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Bible Study CPR - 5 Minute Lesson

Bible Study CPR - 5 Minute Lesson

"How do I study the Bible?" It's a question often asked from seasoned Christians to the newly baptized alike; In addition, many believers want to know, "How do I hear God speak to me?" In this 5 minute video we explore both questions, and provide a technique in studying the Bible that will hopefully bring your devotional and daily Christian walk with God to the next level.


How to Lead a Small Group Study

How to Lead a Small Group Study

Wondering how to lead a small Bible study group group more effectively? We believe you will be blessed as you watch Clifford Goldstein, long time Sabbath School Quarterly editor, share some ideas for your small study group.


Growing a Young Adult Interactive Bible Study

Growing a Young Adult Interactive Bible Study

In this interactive video featuring, Derek Morris, Anthony Kent and guests Sergio Gonzalez, and Oleg Kostyuk we learn what it means to grow a Young Adult Interactive Bible Study. If you are interested in young adult ministries, or just wanting to know how to grow your Bible study leading skills, this program is sure to inspire.


ATTITUDES to Embrace in Bible Study

ATTITUDES to Embrace in Bible Study

This short and inspiring download gives some specific attitudes that we should embrace as we approach our Bible study each day. Let us pray that God would give us His heart and His Spirit as we approach His Holy Word.


REAP: A Simple Way to Study the Bible

REAP: A Simple Way to Study the Bible

Wanting a few simple keys and tools for how to make your Bible study more meaningful? REAP is sure to get you on that track! This is a download you will want to print and keep in your Bible!


Bible Study Tips with Anthony Kent

Bible Study Tips with Anthony Kent

Pastor Kent shares some of the practical ways he studies the Bible with the emphasis on discovering clearer pictures of Jesus. He also shares how he utilizes different tools and resources, like commentaries, and more, to help enrich him in his Bible studies. Grab your Bible and get ready for blessings!



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